Post Data to Hubspot
Create a Feed for Contact
Create a feed for Contacts/tickets/company and map fields in feed. With premium version of plugin, you can create a feed for Hubspot native form too. If you want to track web activity of user then enable/install Hubspot tracking code and use Hubspot native form in feed.

Hubspot GDPR and Subscription fields
You can map GDPR consent field in feed, it is required for Hubspot subscriptions fields.

you can manage subscriptions in hubspot form.

You can map correct subscription fields to contact form fields in feed

“hs_legal_basis” is a dropdown field in hubspot, you can create similar field in contact form and copy correct option values from hubspot.

Verify Data sent to Hubspot
You can verify which data was sent to Hubspot by checking log detail. Yo can manually send entry to Hubspot by clicking “Send to Hubspot” button.

Send Contact Form Options (Dropown, checkbox etc)
Copy correct options from HubSpot and use those options in contact form 7 fields. You can use “|” for separating label and HubSpot value.

Edit options field in Gravity Forms and map correct option values like this

Hubspot Ticket Owner
You can set owner for ticket like this

Set Hubspot Source/Track Web Activity
If you select “Contact” object in feed then map source field in feed and set some fixed source,
Hubspot can find correct source with Hubspot Native forms and tracking code, You will have to select some “Hubspot form” in feed, Plugin only sets hubspot cookie , hubspot auto tracks correct “source”, For contact form 7, install hubspot tracking code in wordpress footer.

For Gravity forms enable tracking in settings

Send Old/Partial Gravity form entries
From WP main menu, Go to “Settings > CRM Perks Addons” and install WP to CRM addon, set cron for exporting entries to your CRM.
Conditional field values
Go to “Settings > CRM Perks Addons” and install Conditional field edit addon for modifying contact form field value before sending it to CRM.